I'm into Thai Dramas nowadays.

And I said to myself, why not look more into the language?

I really like language that have their own letter of alphabet. Like Korea, China, Japan and others.

The Thai letter looks so difficult but pretty. So artsy.

They have a lot of characters. And when into it, I know they gonna be so hard.

Thai language or Thai phasa is Tonal language, which is you're done. No, just kidding.

But tonal language is so hard to study.

Right now I'm still memorize the characters. Its have three classes, low, middle and high.

To be honest because of lack of time and greed, I didn't study to much.

But I do hope to learn it in serious way in the future. Because I just love language.


That's my favorite word.

That's how I typed it with the Thai characters keyboard that I save in my phone.

And for the Dramas, I will do post about it sometimes.

My effort to study it.

I still can't find a cool website to learn it, which is free, I love freebies.

The thing is I love learn something new. To teach yourself, to educate yourself, to expand your level.

Keep learn and makes your brain works for good!

Have a nice day!


